Saturday, May 25, 2019

Broken Mirror (Legion)

A gentle wave breaking in the distance, the light of the moon cast upon the cloudless night as the Storm Glaive sailed across the ocean blue. Atop her deck a lone druidess sat wrapped in a set of leather armor, crafted with strange ironwood spikes, dipped in an unknown substance. A soft sigh escaped the woman as her eyes caught sight of a small fish jumping from the water.

“Do you know what you’re supposed to do tiny fish?” she pondered, her fingers tapping across the railing, tiny sprouts budding at each tap. “Do you have a goddess whom you ask for advice? Does she speak to you? Mine does not often speak to me” there was a frown that followed as she pulled herself away from the railing to wipe her eyes. She had tried to get some sleep but it only ended in tossing and turning, her ears seemed to be ringing.

She had solved her relationship woes, but what had that gotten her? A world where her fiancee was convinced that she was breaking under the pressure of her medical responsibilities? It didn’t make sense in the elf’s head. She had been raised to believe in the might, the glory of the Elven empire. There was a truth to her existence that none could match the Kaldorei, something that her mother and father had both told her despite their disagreements, this idea that they were eternal… and now.


The ship listed softly to one side, the waves giving a gentle reminder that they were simply upon a fancy wooden box, that the elements could toss them to the depths at any moment if they wished. The druidess had finally gotten used to this, the constant movement beneath her feet, the knowledge that solid ground lay below leagues of water. It was unsettling to her at times, but truly no different then having the wind beneath her feathers in a more avian state.

Traveling deeper into the depths of the Kaldorei vessel, the dim lighting for the Kaldorei’s more nocturnal vision as she turned corner after corner making her way to the lab which she had come in many ways to call home. The experiments, the notes, they lined the wall still like a collection of conspiracy theories all strewn together with string, held in place only by whispers and a need to find answers.

She thought, no she prayed that the reason for her sorrow and suffering, the loss of every single one she called family had been with purpose. That there was a reason for all of this, that the goddess had a plan for the forlorn elf, but alas it seemed with every avenue she pursued she was met with only another brick wall. The woman she called sister and friend, Alice still lay ill with an affliction that evaded all that Alnarra had worked towards. No matter the work she seemed to expend in combatting the disease it was not enough and she knew that if she could not produce an answer soon her friend would pass as so many others had before.

She would like to think she had somehow gotten used to the idea of death but how is it that anyone could grow accustomed to that wretched pain? To see the ones that you loved placed under the ground never to rise again? How could anyone bear this pain? How did the humans and the dwarves and all the others find a way to cope with this horror? Her people were immortal yet she had watched more of her brothers and sisters in arms laid to rest in the past 10 years then the past 5,000.

She worried how she would manage when her lover did finally succumb to her own mortality. Would she even be capable of managing that?  Would she break as she had when those soldiers had come to her door? Would she flee into would, become that monster once more? Would she need to be saved once more?

These questions annoyed her, she could not even find sadness in these questions any more, they were just facts that she had to contend with. She could not save Elynxdria, she could not save Alice, she could only continue to work… except that was not what Elynxdria wished. The elf that would stand with her through the Wrathgate itself instead sought now to convince her to give up this chase, all these experiments and theories, for fear that it was taking away from her health. She couldn’t though, she had made a promise with herself and the goddess.

She was a doctor, it was her mission to save people, no matter the cost to herself. She could save her children or her husband, so she must make penance for that fact by devoting all of herself to the care of others. So she marched to the shine she had built in this lab of hers lit the small purple candles, the wax now melted to almost nothing but the wick. Her eyes drifted to the statue of the Goddess which she kneeled before as she had so many times before asking for advice, for guidance, for a sign, or perhaps more then that a sense of hope.

Closing her eyes and blowing out the candles yet once more the druidess looked around the lab and could only shake her head. She could not bear to be in this place, it only reminded her of a job she had yet to complete, and right now, more than that she needed answers. So she left, locked the door and made her way to the mess. Breaking into the cabinets as she had almost grown accustomed to, Zevi had been selfish with the supplies of canned fish forcing her to grow more and more inventive with her ways of recovering it.

Calling upon druidic magics she started to shape one of her fingers into a more feline like claw, poking it into the top of the can to start to recover her prize. Wiggling her nose a bit she drained the oil and true to her mannerless roots just shoved her face in the can. Licking her lips and enjoying a fresh can of some kind of strange grouper she tossed it away and looked around for any other kind of late night snack. Rummaging through the apples which had been carefully sealed away for Uaine she finally found what she was looking for, a candy bar.

Unwrapping it and taking a seat at one of the tables she chewed on it slowly, savoring each bite. Her ears twitching as she gave almost a moan of pleasure at the mixture of sugar, chocolate, nuts, and honey. It wasn’t exactly fine dining, or a freshly cooked serving of crab and shrimp, but for tonight it would be her relief from the world.

Pulling out a small gnomish device she checked the time. Elynxdria was still asleep at these hours, that much she was sure of, but… perhaps she could sneak into the room without waking her. Wondering around the mostly empty ship, nearly tripping over an empty bucket. Grumbling a bit she found Ghost and Summerblade passed out happily atop their caretaker who seemed to be resting well. Leaning down she gave the woman a soft kiss as she started going through her own trunk, looking for items to help her, and there buried in all of it, a broken hand mirror.

She couldn’t recall exactly when she had broken the small mirror… had it been her time with the Devilclaw? It didn’t matter, but for some reason she couldn’t let go of it, the little object meant something to her, though what that was she could not say, it was just.. important. Biting her lip she tucked it back into her trunk and shut the wooden chest quietly, gently running a hand across the sleeping Feline’s backs before slinging a small pack across her back.

She needed answers to her questions, but they were not going to come to her here, where she was not sure. So without a word she took off into the night sky, her large purple wings carrying her across the night bag in tow. She was going to cure her friend somehow..

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