Monday, May 13, 2019

Keeping the wound fresh (Myst of Pandaria)

Alnarra sat at the edge of her bed, a mountain of thoughts being held back by a fragile ego, and practiced lie. In her hands a small bloodied knife dripped onto a small towel below. She twirled the knife a bit before sliding it back into its familiar home at her waist. Walking over she picked up the small, decorative Kaldorei mirror that had been a gift from her uncle many many years ago.

The druidess angled the object to look at her shoulder, a small grimace crossed her face and she shook her head.

Crawling from the small satchel that never seemed to leave Alnarra's side a small sprite darter gave her a deeply upset look, making a small chirping noise.

"It makes it feel better," she responded flatly, rewrapping the wound that sat so plainly on her shoulder.

The Sprite darter seemed to chirp a great deal more, flying up to buzz about in her face, as if trying to annoy her.

"Thank you Kykona, but I am looking after it," her tone unwavering as she pulled a small brush from her satchel, starting to comb at her hair.

The sprite darter hissed in response, the little creature went to her shoulder to lick at it, before once again turning to her, it's chirping almost desperate.

"I spent years as a field medic in the north, and before that I was a mother of 3. I can deal with a small wound,"

The sprite darter flapped to her waist, hissing at the knife, chirping back up to her.

The growing irritation present in Alnarra's voice caused her to slam the mirror down, a small delicate fracture quickly appearing, growing out from the frame. The sprite darter seemed to wince at it before crawling back into her satchel, it's chirping and hissing almost constant.

Alnarra eyed the mirror, studying at the damage she had done, "Elune Damned," she muttered as she held it up a small fragment of the mirror dropping to the ground before her.

A grumble escaped her as she opened a drawer in the small room stuffing the mirror inside, "Who needs a mirror anyway, it's not like I care about how I look," she chuckled to herself rolling her eyes

Breathing in deeply, she pulled the locket always around her neck away, opening it and rubbing at the small picture inside.

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