Monday, May 13, 2019

Moving in (Myst of Pandaria)

Alnarra looked steadily at the variety of objects that she had on her dresser, sighing a bit she began to place them in a small wooden box at her feet. Picture frames, trinkets, mementos, all of them were slowly and carefully being packed away yet again. It had not been the first time even in the week that Alnarra had packed up the belongings that comprised her life. Holding each one in her hand for a passing moment trying to recall what they meant to her, and why she had brought them to her small temporary cot at the temple. The small sprite darter that accompanied her everywhere she went popped its small head out of her pouch, licking at her hand. She pet the creature softly, “Looks like we’re moving again aren’t we Kykona?”

The druidess gave a brief huff of air before placing the small picture frame in her hands into the crate below, a slight chuckle escaping her. “You know… we had that picture painted when I was pregnant with Myrodin, Talgrath wouldn’t sit still to save his life,” a brief smile crossed her face. As she began to empty the drawers of various family heirlooms, small druidic objects, and handful of other goods she looked over the dresser one more time, “Well… at least there’s no timber snakes waiting for me in this new house… I hope”

With a shrug she picked up the large crate and began to walk with it towards the local mage, after a brief exchange of currency she set off from the city of Stormwind to make way to her new home. Placing the crate on the back of her trusty saber, Intera, she set her course. “You know Intera, sometimes I think I’m tired of moving. Are you tired of moving?” she scratched at the massive feline’s ears. The beast could only manage to respond with a bored yawn.

Smirking a bit, Alnarra rolled her eyes at the creature, “A lot of help you are, you know that?” strapping her saddle to the back of the white furred saber she began the rather short trip to the edges of Duskwood. She had traveled there many times before seeking solace and peace, but this time was different. This time she came not seeking a quiet night, or a warm fireplace to enjoy her whiskey, but a small room at the inn in which to arrange her things.

Keeping her head low and her ears primed her gaze became more vigilant as she crossed the shadowy border between the relatively calm human lands that surrounded and the darkness that distinguished Duskwood. The howls caused her ears to pin back, as she made her way down the dark cobblestone path, “Not like home is it Intera?” she joked rubbing at the Saber’s mane.

She shook her head a bit, sighing as she crossed past the Night Watch that patrolled the all too fragile border of Darkshire. Alnarra shuffled Intera to a nearby stable, “Don’t worry you big old coward, if anything comes yowling in the night for you, I’ll won’t be far away I promise,” a smile crossing her face. The big cat looked back to its companion with concern in its eyes, looking around the unfamiliar human stable. “I know… I know, it’s going to take some getting used to. It’s not like the stables in Moonglade,” she frowned a bit going to hug the big creature.

Picking her supplies off the great cat’s back she walked slowly towards the Inn, pulling her hood over her head. She walked slowly towards the increasingly familiar inn. Stepping inside, she was greeted by the rather festive nature of the place. The druidess room had already been paid for so she simply gave a soft nod to the staff before carrying her large box of supplies upstairs.

She came to find the room that had been offered, a small lightly furnished room with a single double bed. Pulling back her hood she set the crate down looking around and inspecting the room, “Well…. It’s got a roof, so I suppose there is that,” she smiled softly. She went to pull the covers back from the bed to ensure no Timber snakes were hiding in this one, finding only a relatively clean sheet underneath, shave gave a bemused smirk.

“So this is home?” she ask no one in particular, “It’s a funny path you seem to think I need to have laid out before me”. Alnarra sat down on the bed and began to kick her feet against its frame, “I think I would have liked it a lot better without the sudden and painful divorce”. Her hands drifted to fiddle at the small locket around her neck, holding on to it as she kicked the bed frame giving a sharp exhale.

“I still don’t like you, you know?” she bit her lip softly; “I didn’t want to end this month leaving my home, my husband, and the people I cared for. That really was not on the agenda,” the clutch around her locket becoming tighter. Checking herself over, she pulled out a small flask and began to sip at it. Her fingers tapped softly along the frame of the flask as she sat deep in thought.

As the howls outside began to increase in volume, she looked out the small window to see if the stable was in view, leaving her irritated when she realized the window faced the wrong direction. Giving a low growl she started to work to pull her collection of family heirlooms from their crate, Kykona crawling out to give her small hand a reassuring lick, she gave him another light tap on the head, “I know.. . I know…. Keep on going,”

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